

Colaiste Return to School Measures

The purpose of this communication is to outline the measures taken in Coláiste Mhuire to ensure the safe reopening and operation of our school. Whilst we have put numerous measures in place to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for students, staff, families and the wider community it is important to point out that no interpersonal activity is without some risk of transmission of infection at any time.

All measures we have taken are supported by the public health advice provided by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) for the safe reopening of schools and educational facilities.

Our School COVID-19 response plan is a living document and will be updated in line with the public health advice and any other relevant agreement with education partners as appropriate for post primary schools.

We have developed the following COVID-19 Response Plan. The BOM/ETB and all school staff are responsible for the implementation of this plan and a combined effort will help contain the spread of the virus. We will:

  • continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend this plan in consultation with our staff, students & Board of Management

  • provide up to date information to our staff, students and parents on the Public Health advice issued by the HSE and

  • display information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct hand-washing techniques

  • agree with staff, a worker representative who is easily identifiable to carry out the role outlined in this plan

  • inform all staff and students of essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette and physical distancing requirements

  • adapt the school to facilitate physical distancing as appropriate in line with the public health guidance and direction of the Department of Education

  • keep a contact log to help with contact tracing

  • ensure staff and students engage with the induction / familiarisation briefing provided by the Department of Education

  • implement the agreed procedures to be followed in the event of someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 while at school

  • provide instructions for staff and students to follow if they develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 during school time

  • implement cleaning in line with Department of Education advice

Induction Training

All staff & students will undertake and complete COVID-19 Induction Training or classes as part of return to school induction. The aim of such training or classes is to ensure that staff have full knowledge and understanding of the following:

  • Latest up to-date advice and guidance on public health

  • COVID-19 symptoms

  • What to do if a staff member or pupil develops symptoms of COVID-19 while at school

  • Outline of the school COVID-19 response plan


We have displayed signage outlining the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and to support good hand and respiratory hygiene.

Making Changes to School Layout

Maintaining physical distancing in the school environment is recommended as one of the key control measures to minimize the risk of the introduction and spread of COVID-19. Seating arrangements in all of our classrooms have been reconfigured in line with Department of Education templates to ensure we have a minimum of 1m distance between each student.

Access to School and Contact Log

Access to the school building will be limited to staff and students in general. Arrangement for necessary visitors such as contractors and parents will be restricted to essential purposes and limited to those who have obtained prior approval or an appointment from the principal.

A detailed sign in/sign out log of those entering the school facilities will be maintained for contact tracing purposes.

Control Measures - To prevent Introduction and Spread of COVID-19 the Coláiste

A range of essential control measures have been implemented to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID -19 virus and to protect the safety, health and welfare of staff, students, parents and visitors as far as possible within the school. The control measures shall continue to be reviewed and updated as required on an ongoing basis.

It is critical that staff, students, parents and visitors are aware of, and adhere to, the control measures outlined and that they fully cooperate with all health and safety requirements.

  • Promote awareness of COVID-19 symptoms (Staff & Student Induction, Posters, Class assemblies, Subject teachers)

  • Advise staff and students that have symptoms NOT to attend school, to phone their doctor and to follow HSE guidance on self-isolation;

  • Advise staff and students NOT to attend school if they have been identified by the HSE as contact for a person with COVID-19 and to follow the HSE advice on restriction of movement;

  • Advise staff and students that develop symptoms at school to bring this to the attention of the principal (or deputy principal if the principal is unavailable) promptly;

  • Ensure that staff and students know the protocol for managing a suspected case of COVID-19 in school;

  • Everyone entering the school building must perform hand hygiene with a hand sanitiser (students hand sanitising will be monitored as they enter school and as they leave each classroom);

  • Visitors to the school during the day must be by prior arrangement with the principal and will be received at a specific contact point;

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres will be maintained between staff and visitors where possible.

Know the Symptoms of COVID-19

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the symptoms. They are:

  • High temperature

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties

  • Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste

Respiratory Hygiene

We will ensure all staff and students understand how to follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and safely into a nearby bin. Additional bins have been in every classroom. Respiratory Hygiene will form part of student induction classes and posters outlining good practice are also displayed around the school

Hand Hygiene

Staff and students will understand why hand hygiene is important as well as when and how to wash or sanitise their hands. We will actively promote good hygiene and display posters throughout the schools on how to wash your hands. We have increased the number of soap dispensers and hot air dryers/paper towel dispensers in all toilet areas.

Multiple hand sanitiser dispensers have been installed at exit and entry points to the school. Each classroom is also equipped with a sanitiser and students will sanitise their hands as they enter each classroom. Students are encouraged to have their own pocket sized hand sanitiser to prevent queues forming. Students must also sanitise their hands as they leave the classroom before break and lunch.

Posters displaying hand washing techniques and promoting hand washing have been placed on walls adjacent to washing facilities

Frequency of Hand Hygiene

Hand sanitising will be monitored as students enter the school each morning and at the end of lunch breaks. Students and staff should perform hand hygiene.

  • On arrival at school;

  • Before eating or drinking;

  • After using the toilet;

  • After playing outdoors;

  • When their hands are physically dirty;

  • When they cough or sneeze.

  • When entering and leaving a new classroom.

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing will be usefully applied in the school setting allowing for some flexibility when needed. It must be applied in a practical way to recognise that the learning environment cannot be dominated by a potentially counterproductive focus on this issue. Care will be taken to avoid generating tension or potential conflict and some flexibility in the implementation of measures will be required at times.

It is also recognised that it is not always possible for staff to maintain physical distance from students and it is not appropriate that they would always be expected to do so where this could have a detrimental impact on the student.

However where possible staff should maintain a minimum of 1 m distance from students. Staff will also take measures to avoid close contact at face to face level such as remaining standing rather than sitting beside/crouching down and the use of teacher screens.

Physical distancing falls into two categories:

  • Increasing separation

  • Decreasing interaction

For this year we have implemented a suite of measures to ensure the greatest level of separation possible in our school context. These include:

1. Reconfiguring class spaces to maximise physical distancing – single desks placed at 1 m + apart.

2. We have installed clear screens on teacher desks at top of classrooms;

3. All Classrooms are equipped with visualisers to ensure teachers can give demonstrations from the top of the classroom;

4. Utilising and reconfiguring all available space in the school in order to maximise physical distancing – Fitness suite reconfigured and additional temporary classrooms arriving in September;

5. Staggered breaks and lunchtimes (reducing queues & footfall in social areas);

6. Reconfiguring Class groups to ensure base classes of no greater than 25 students;

7. Double Class periods have been scheduled where possible to reduce footfall on the corridors.

Decreasing interaction

A common-sense approach is being implemented and the limits to which decreased interaction can be achieved between students in a post primary setting must be recognised.

Upon arrival we have created an additional entrance for 4th, 5th & 6th Yrs ( these groups enter via the Gym door) to reduce congestion.

Each year group will also be given a separate designated supervised area to go to until classes begin.

Walking/cycling to school should be encouraged as much as possible.

For classes where it is possible to do so, students will remain in the classroom and teachers will move between rooms.

Where possible and practical double classes have been scheduled to minimise movement during the day.

Where students have an elective/option subject they will move quickly into the specialist classroom and will be seated with members of their base class cohort to minimise mixing.

Hand washing and/or sanitising will be required when moving between classes by teachers and students.

Physical distancing between the teacher and class will be observed where possible. Teachers & students will wear cloth face masks or teachers will have the option to teach from behind a screen.

Where teaching and learning involves use of keyboards or other shared resources, the contact surface will be cleaned regularly and hand hygiene encouraged.

Students will not have access to lockers for the foreseeable future in order to minimise crowding and reduce commonly touched areas.


We have reconfigured the canteen furniture to facilitate physical distancing of 1m in the canteen area.

We have staggered break and lunch times with only half of the student body on break at any one time.

Breakfast Club will only be open to 1st and 2nd Years as other years groups will not have access to the canteen in the mornings. A selection of individually packed breakfast options will be available.

Morning Break tuck shop is not running for the moment to prevent queuing and students are encouraged to bring their own snack.

Prepacked Rolls & Wraps will be served a big break and will be available to all students. We cannot serve hot meals due to sharing of utensils. Canteen serving times have been extended to allow for better distancing. Queues will be managed and monitored by supervising staff.

Students will be advised to clean/sanitise their hands before and after entering the canteen area.

Corridors and Stairwells

Briefly passing someone in a hall is very unlikely to contribute significantly to the spread of infection if people do not have physical contact and avoid informal group discussions. There will be much less traffic on the corridors as a result of timetabling changes and staggered break times.

Use of PPE in Schools

Face Masks

Our teachers, staff and students must wear a face-mask when a physical distance of 2 meters from other staff or students cannot be maintained. 2m is not achievable in our school setting so we are asking everyone to follow the HPSC directive and wear a face mask while indoors at school.

In certain situations the use of clear visors for students may be considered but only in exceptional circumstances and a medical cert will be required. Cloth face coverings are intended to prevent transmission of the virus from the wearer (who may not know that they are infected) to those with whom they come into close contact.

We have installed Screens on the teachers desks so in instances where a teachers voice cannot be heard by the class due to the mask that teacher may opt to remove the mask and teach from behind the screen.


The use of disposable gloves in the school by students or staff is not appropriate but may be necessary for matters such as cleaning or intimate care settings.

Hygiene and Cleaning in Schools

We have adopted a strict cleaning regime to support the prevention of COVID-19 infections.

Additional cleaning hours have been put in place with an emphasis on frequently touched surfaces – door handles, hand rails, chairs/arm rests, communal eating areas, sink and toilet facilities.

We are asking parents to ensure each student has a personal supply of wipes to wipe down their desk, chair and surface when entering and before leaving a room. Spray disinfectants will also be available in each room.

Staff will thoroughly clean and disinfect their work area before and after each class.

Shower facilities shall not be available for use by staff or students due to the increased risk associated with communal shower facilities and areas. This shall be reviewed in line with government guidance.

Cleaning/Disinfecting rooms where a student/staff member with suspected COVID-19 was present

The rooms will be cleaned as soon as practicable possible.

Once the room is vacated the room will not be reused until it has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and all surfaces are dry.

Special attention will be payed to frequently touched surfaces, the back of chairs, door handles and any surfaces that are visibly soiled with body fluids.

Dealing with a Suspected Case of COVID-19

Staff or students should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.

The following outlines how we will deal with a suspected case that may arise.

A designated isolation area has been identified. This is the office next to the metal work room. The designated isolation area is behind a closed door and away from staff and students but the glazing allows for monitoring. Contingency plans for dealing with additional cases are also in place.

If a staff member/student displays symptoms of COVID-19 while at school the following are the procedures will be implemented:

  • If the person with the suspected case is a student, the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately;

  • The student or staff member will be isolated immediately and will be accompanied by a staff member to the designated isolation area via the isolation route, keeping at least 2 metres away from the symptomatic person and also making sure that others maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from the symptomatic person at all times;

Timmy Jones