“From our positive learning environment, team teaching, group learning to the excellent teacher/student relationships we foster, the way our exciting curriculum is delivered is designed to help our students unlock their full potential. ”
The following programmes are on offer in Colaiste Mhuire:
Junior Certificate
Transition Year
Leaving Certificate
In Junior Cycle, students take the following core subjects:
English, Religion, Irish, CSPE, P.E., Mathematics, History, S.P.H.E. and Science
First Year students study all the following subjects for the first four months and continue to study their chosen four plus science up to Junior Certificate Level. The subject option bands may change slightly from year to year depending on the preferences of the incoming cohort of students. See the sample Subject Option Bands below where students will choose one option from each band.
Transition Year is available in the Coláiste as an option.
The Transition Year Programme has become an integral part of the education process nationally. During the year students are given the opportunity and space to mature and develop at their own pace without the pressure of examinations. It gives them an insight into the world of work and most importantly, in line with the ethos of the Coláiste, it helps to build confidence and self-development through the involvement in activities such as drama, music and sport.
A NCCA (National Council for Curriculum & Assessment) survey has shown that students who avail of this maturing year have a big advantage in the Leaving Certificate over their peers who do the examination in five years.
2022 Exam Results
In Senior Cycle, Students take English, Irish, Mathematics, Religion, Career Guidance and PE as Core subjects.
PLUS 4 of the following subjects:
Ag science, Accounting, Business, Construction Studies, Design Communication Graphics, Engineering, French, Geography, History, Home Economics (Social & Scientific), Music, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Physical Education, Computer Science