

Coláiste Update on Leaving Certificate Arrangements

Dear Parent,

You will by now be aware that the Minister for Education and Skills has announced that the Leaving Certificate examinations will commence on July 29th. We are very cognizant of how challenging this time has been for our Leaving Certificate students and families, and trust that this news provides them with some, albeit small, level of clarity.

Coláiste Mhuire, through CETB, have been in contact with the State Exams Commission and the Department of Education and Skills seeking further clarification and guidance on many elements of the Leaving Certificate. The Department of Education and Skills have informed us that intense negotiations are ongoing with all stakeholders at national level with regard to this.

As soon as I have further information on this, I will be in contact with you. In the meantime, I would urge all 6th year students to engage as fully as possible with their teachers and to continue with their school work as much as is possible. In this regard, all of our teachers are doing their utmost to use the tools at their disposal to ensure all online tuition is accessible to all students. As outlined in previous correspondence, this is complex and a number of factors must be taken into account by each teacher when connecting with each individual class group online. The mode of online connection that may suit some households may not be possible to access in other households and where possible tuition must be accessible to all. Your ongoing support and understanding is very much appreciated in this regard.

I wish you very well at this difficult time. Should you have any queries, or should we be able to support you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Donal O’Sullivan (Principal)

Timmy Jones