

Fitness Challenge - Tour De Ireland

Coláiste Mhuire Fitness Challenge Week 5.jpg

Hi all,
For Week 5, we have decided to introduce the ‘Tour de Ireland’. We are challenging every year group to travel around Ireland, reaching various landmarks around Ireland on their travels. Every walk/run completed will count towards the distance covered by their year group around the country! Again, to ensure fairness, only a walk/run will be counted towards the competition. Please do not log a cycle as a run!

Again, we are also asking everyone to complete this 5k with a family member/friend (complying with 2m social distancing) as we know that Physical Activity is more important now than ever for our physical and mental health.

- For week 5, a sports voucher will again be up for grabs, and to enter this competition, you must complete a 30 minute walk/run during the week. A winner will be chosen at random next week.

Looking forward to seeing everyone getting out and active for Week 5,
The PE Department

Timmy Jones