

New School Jacket


Dear parent/guardian,

Prior to Christmas we carried out a consultation process with our students, student council and parents association around our school uniform jacket. The consultation feedback highlighted that a very strong majority of both students and parents want a school jacket. In line with this feedback, school jackets will continue to be part of our school uniform and students can only wear a crested school uniform jacket when inside the school building or when attending school activities such as matches and other extra-curricular events.

As part of the consultation a considerable proportion of students stated that they would like an updated school jacket design and a move away from the shell design which has been in place for the past 7 or 8 years. An exceptionally high percentage of students voted in favour of the COBI jacket design shown in the attached picture. Over the past number of weeks, we have worked with COBI to finalise the design and price and to set up an online store for your convenience. The hybrid jacket in the image below is available for €36.

It is important to outline that students can continue to wear their existing school jacket and that both jacket styles will be recognised as part of our uniform. However, the old design will not be stocked in our uniform provider shops going forward.

The online store is available by clicking on the link here. The store will accept orders for the next two weeks and will close on Friday 2nd of February. The price of €36 includes the option of having your son/daughter's initials embroidered on the shoulder of the jacket. Once the online store closes, that batch of orders will be processed and it will not be possible to place an order until COBI open a new online store for our school again during summer 2024. If you wish to order but are unsure of what size - we have small, medium, large and X-large samples which students can try on available in the main school office.

Kind regards,

Mr. Donal O Sullivan

Timmy Jones