

Pope John Paul II Awards

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A very huge congratulations to nine of our 5th years on receiving their Gold Pope John Paul II Awards this week! Missing here is Caitriona Carroll, but together with Joni Ryan, Gabriela O Keeffe, Anna Salvin, Sophie Perrott, Cathal Duggan, Michaela O Donovan, Niamh McGiff, and Kelly Jamieson, they each gave two hours a week for 20 weeks to a vast array of Parish and Social activities, changing mid way to accommodate Covid restrictions. These students got groceries and did household jobs for the elderly, they were part of the school Junior Pastoral Council, they fundraised for charities including St. V.DeP at the church gate, visited and volunteered in nursing homes, became stewards and readers at Mass, volunteered with teaching kids dance, participated in a debating competition run by the Knights of Columbanus, amongst many more Covid safe activities!

Pictured here are Fr. Baker and Bernadette O Connor from CDYS presenting our students with their awards. A very hearty well done from Coláiste Mhuire!

Timmy Jones