

School Meals Provision During Lockdown

11th February 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian

During this difficult time, we would like to ensure that families continue to get the benefit of the school meals scheme where necessary. The Government and the Department of Education have confirmed that the School Meals scheme is an essential service and therefore the following arrangements are being put in place to continue it. If you already availed of recent food parcels, we will assume you wish to receive delivery this time also and there is no further action required. If you did not express an interest recently but now wish to do so, please follow the instructions outlined below.

Because of the current situation and the need to maintain social distancing we have arranged Centra, Buttevant to put together a box of food worth approximately €40 to be delivered to households that may need such a support at this time.

This box will include general household staples such as cereal, pasta, meat etc. Boxes are standard and individual orders or requests will not be catered for. In order to do this, we need to share your name, address and eircode with Centra. They will then arrange the delivery to your home.

Your name and delivery address will be kept confidential by Centra and only used for this purpose. Once normal arrangements resume, your name and address will be deleted by Centra.

If you wish to receive the box of food please email giving your name, address and eircode and noting that you wish to receive the food parcel. If you do not require the food parcel there is no further action required. Please do not email stating that you do not wish to receive it.

As we want to arrange delivery over the coming days the deadline for email is Monday 15th February at 5:00pm.


Donal O’Sullivan

Timmy Jones