

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 i gColáiste Mhuire

Seachtain na Gaeilge was celebrated in Coláiste Mhuire over the past week. Students from all year groups spent the week engaging in a variety of in-class activities like Kahoots and poster competitions on common Seanfhocails. It was a thoroughly enjoyable week for both students and staff.

- On Monday last, 1st year students participated in a Tráth na gCeist (quiz) organised by TY students. A big well done to all students who took part and in particular to our winning group!

- On Tuesday, 2nd year students were treated to a ceolchoirm (concert) from our musicians across all year groups in the school, a huge thank you to these students for singing some excellent amhráins. After the ceolchoirm, Mr. O’Rourke led students in performing traditional Irish dances in a Céilí, and students thoroughly enjoyed dancing with one another.

- Finally, on Wednesday 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th year groups got the opportunity to take part in ‘The Cube’ as Gaeilge during their Irish class times. Well done to some of the TY students who put in a huge amount of work in creating a variety of physical and Irish challenges for ‘The Cube’, examples being ‘30 solos in 20 seconds’, ‘Naming 20 verbs in 1 minute’, and ‘Singing a sing in Irish for 15 seconds’ to win the top prize. All students had a very enjoyable day and some lucky students walked away with Easter eggs and vouchers!

Below are a number of photos from Seachtain na Gaeilge, and we are already looking forward to next year’s celebrations!

Timmy Jones