

Lidl LGFA Support Programme

Yesterday we welcomed Orlagh Farmer, Cork Senior Player & 6-time All Ireland Medalist to the Coláiste as part of the Lidl LGFA Support Programme. We were chosen as the only school in Cork to take part in the programme, focused on keeping girls in sport through the values of Respect, Responsibility, Recognition, and Trust. The girls participated in a number of games based on these core values and learnt some valuable lessons from Orlagh, both from a sporting point of view & in general life.
Orlagh will be coming back to us in 6 weeks time for a follow-up workshop & skills session, and during this time, the girls need to develop their own initiative to promote Ladies Football in the Coláiste & the local community.
We had more than 40 girls participating in the workshop, and all thoroughly enjoyed the day and can’t wait for the coming weeks of promoting Ladies Football!

Timmy Jones