

Webinar for LC Parents

Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert '21 - A Webinar for Parents

Thursday, March 18th at 8pm

The aim of the session is to present the facts of Leaving Cert 2021 to the parents/guardians of the learners in order for them to play a supportive role in the decision making of the students.

Brian Wall (Guidance Counsellor and IGC Member) will make a presentation on the night and parents will have an opportunity to ask questions via the Q+A function also.

Brian’s presentation will focus on the practical and emotional obstacles that lie ahead as well as the issue of calculated grades and/or sitting the Leaving Certificate exam/s.

The presentation will give tips and suggestion around how parents can help their teenager optimise the remaining study time from now until June and their management of the obstacles that may prevent students maximising their efforts.

The webinar will be recorded and a recording will be sent as a resource for all schools to send to parent/guardians of LC students.

Timmy Jones