

Week 2 Results of Fitness Challenge

Hi all,

A huge well done to everyone that made a huge effort during Week 2 of the Coláiste Mhuire Fitness Challenge to get out for a walk/run. Here are a few interesting statistics from the week:


- We saw a huge increase in the number of students registering on Strava, with 278 students and staff now using the app, an increase of 82 from 196 in Week 1!

- As a school, we completed an additional 1,672km compared to Week 1, which is absolutely outstanding, and a testament to everyone in the school!

- Each year group recorded huge increases in their overall KMs covered, with first years recording the biggest increase of 394km!

- Again, we saw the staff out-working the students to take 1st place for Week 2.

For Week 3, we have decided to change things up a little. Year groups will now compete against one another to see who can run/walk the most KMs during the week.


Looking forward to seeing more students getting active in Week 3,

The PE Department

Timmy Jones