TY News

Welcome to TY 2020/21

a warm welcome.jpeg

Welcome to TY 2020/21

We were all delighted to see you Tuesday and we are looking forward to a great year. Just a couple of important items to note for now: On this Friday 4th you are expected to complete the following course about Covid 19 and the Work Place and sort/finalize your placements for the year. See the school website for any documents required for work experience.

Friday 4th September Course details:

use the below link and class password to log in


Password: ty1947

You will be asked to complete a short exam on this course next week in class with me.

  • Ipad: You must make sure that your ipad is in good working order as your Ipad will be an extremely important tool for the year.

  • Make sure you can log into your Office 365 account. Please contact me on mary.dunlea@buttevantcolaiste.ie if you are having any problems

  • Please download the ‘Teams’ app.

Work Experience:

Work experience is going ahead as normal. That is if you can get a placement. If you do not obtain a placement you will be doing online courses/ assigned projects on Fridays throughout the year.

All information about TY work experience is on the website

  • Garda Vetting and work experience: If you have turned 16 years, you can be vetted. If you want to be vetted for work placement please email for information. Not all employers look for vetting.


  • Please check TY section of school website for updates.

I will be meeting 4A’s on Wednesdays 9.30am, 4B’s 3.10pm on Tuesdays, 4C’s on Thursdays at 11.10am weekly to discuss any issues/questions/ ideas you may have.

Best wishes,

Mary Dunlea

TY Coordinator

Timmy Jones