


In the past number of years, Lidl have done some excellent work in promoting Ladies Football across Ireland and delivering programmes and new sets of jerseys to schools and clubs across the country. This year, Lidl have chosen 26 schools in the Republic of Ireland, 1 post primary school per county, to take part in their #SERIOUSSUPPORT programme.

This programme is designed to educate teenage girls about the positive mental and physical health benefits of playing Ladies Gaelic Football. The programme also aims to increase participation and reduce drop-out rates for teenagers in the sport.

We in the Coláiste have been selected as the Cork school to take part in this programme, and we are absolutely thrilled!!

What this means for us in the Coláiste:

- A brand new set of Masita jerseys, sponsored by Lidl, for the Girls Football teams in the Coláiste 🔵🟡

- The school will also benefit from an inter county player delivering workshops and team-building sessions on this programme, educating the girls on the benefits of participation in Ladies Football.

This is a huge boost to Ladies Football in the Coláiste which has been going from strength to strength in recent years, with the Senior team reaching the Munster & County Finals last year, along with our superb victory in the u16.5 County Final against Coláiste Ghobnatan. Our Ladies Football teams train on Wednesdays after school, with big numbers always out on the field braving the elements!

Timmy Jones