

Pope John Paul II Awards

Last night 8 of our students recieved awards for the work they have been doing with the Pope John Paul II award over the last few years at quite a large ceremony in Mallow Youth Centre. Sarah Salvin, Saoirse Matthews, Izi Nnameke, Ciara Dollery, Erika Vowles, Jenny Duggan, Steven Marion, Hughie Spratt, and T.J. McCarthy, with T.J. and Hughie recieving not one but two awards for the sheer volume of work completed in their parish and school. Bishop Crean presented the awards at the ceremony, and our 8 students were among 35 students in all of the schools in the Cloyne Diocese to recieve these awards. While lots of their work was completed in their parishes, more again was completed here in school time. The pride at the ceremony last night, from the students themselves and their families was really something special to see. We are very proud of each of them. Well done.

Timmy Jones