

Transition Programme for Incoming 1st Years

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Online event to outline transition programme for incoming 1st years for the 21/22 academic year - Tuesday 9th February @ 7pm

Station Road, Buttevant, County Cork


Dear parent of incoming 1st year,

I hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well and that you are coping well with the considerable challenges posed by current COVID 19 restrictions.

I want to reassure you that we continue to plan for our incoming 1st Year group and that we will be putting contingency plans in place to ensure we can support students and parents as much as possible with the transition.

Under normal circumstances, we would be after meeting each student with their parents for a short introductory meeting in early December and students would also have completed entrance exams in late January/early February. Unfortunately, it is not possible to organise such events for the foreseeable future, and therefore, we will be organising a live online meeting where Ms Carol O’Mahony (Deputy Principal) and I will outline our contingency plans for the remainder of the year. This meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams platform on Tuesday 9th February. Closer to the date, you will receive a link to the meeting through the email you provided during the enrolment application process.

General information in the following areas will be covered in this meeting:

- Information Packs – uniform, timetables, lunches, books, extra-curricular etc,etc,etc

- How base classes are divided

- Option subjects/taster period

- iPad information online event

- Processes to prepare for students with special educational needs

- Entrance Exams/ Educational Passport from Primary schools

- How to contact us with individual and specific concerns

We look forward to speaking with you.


Donal O’Sullivan (Principal)

Timmy Jones