

Week 4 - '5k within your 5k Challenge'

col Mhuire Fitness Challenge 3.jpg

Hi all,
For Week 4, we have decided to introduce the ‘5k within your 5k Challenge’. We are asking every student/staff to complete a 5k walk/run within their 5km distance, complying with the latest Covid restrictions. We are also asking everyone to complete this 5k with a family member/friend (complying with 2m social distancing) as we know that Physical Activity is more important now than ever for our physical and mental health. Feel free to tag your walking partner in a photo in Strava!

- From week 4 onwards, there will be a prize up for grabs between year groups. To enter, you must complete a 5k walk/run within your 5k radius, cycling will not be counted for this competition to ensure fairness.

- You can complete as many 5k walk/runs as you like, the more you complete and upload to Strava the more entries you can have!

- Can we ask that students only record any walk/run completed by themselves, and not a family member, to ensure fairness in the competition!

Looking forward to seeing everyone getting out and active for Week 4,
The PE Department

Timmy Jones