TY News

End of Year Message


Dear TY student,

I hope you and your family are keeping safe and well. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and commitment to the transition year programme 19/20. I am disappointed that you didn’t get to participate in the full transition year programme but I hope you enjoyed what you did get to experience this year. I want to particularly thank students for forwarding all your wonderful assignment/projects over the last 10 weeks.

We are officially finishing up on this Friday 29th May and I would ask you to please forward any outstanding projects/assignments for me or any other teachers before 11am on Friday.

We are planning a ‘End of Transition Year’ ceremony for September where you will receive your certificates and we can celebrate your great achievements from TY 19/20.

I want to wish you and your family a healthy and happy summer and also wish you the best of luck with starting your studies in fifth year.

Kindest regards,

Mary Dunlea & TY Coordination team.

Timmy Jones